Mobile Games

In addition to making tabletop games and various game-related digital products, I was associate producer on eight mobile games, including a Star Wars title, a digital version of a dice game, and the platinum-selling Duck Shot (AIAS nominee for Mobile Game of the Year).


PhUD (Phone User Dungeon) was designed as an homage to early text games like Zork and MUDs (Multi-User Dungeon). As a mobile parody, it was entirely text-based (i.e., without graphics), but would not require typing. Instead, it would use buttons for the few actions allowed (look, examine, get, use, go). It used a tightly controlled inventory system, limiting users to only two items at a time, so that each encounter would have only three option buttons: ‘use item 1,’ ‘use item 2,’ or ‘flee.’ There was also no fighting mechanism; the player would win most confrontations, and losses would simply result in retreat. To maximize replayability, rooms and encounters would be randomized, and an entire playthrough might last 5-7 minutes.

The main loop in PhUD was not an overarching story or graphical gameplay, but entertaining (sometimes counterintuitive) written responses to the actions. Every usable item (29 of them) had an individualized response for the 28 objects (like monsters, NPCs, or puzzles). While some responses were expected (‘you kill the orc with the axe’), many were not – thus the parody. Players would never be sure if an action would lead to a desired outcome or how the item might actually be used (i.e., will using the dagger on the prisoner pick open the shackles or just slay him?)

Rather than producing PhUD, I was the narrative designer, writing the entire game, including 800 individualized responses for items and objects; overall, it amounted to over 70 pages. Unfortunately, the studio consolidated offices, and I chose not to relocate to the LA office, so the game was never developed. However, I have recently constructed a web-based facsimile to demonstrate my work.

Play it at: PhUD

One thing that I have noticed since putting this into game form is that the text does not seem as funny. This is because the variety seen of all possible interactions contrasts the expected with the absurd rather well. When the texts are encountered separately this impact is lessened. The sample below illustrates the variety. It lists all the interactions a player may have with the Lame Leper, including which item is received after an interaction as well as an attribute modifier (for determining end game text – as yet unimplemented):

“You see a humanoid figure wrapped in old white linens walking on crutch. This is either a lame leper or a mummy with foot pain.”

CreatureActing ObjectReceived ObjectAttributeEffect
Lame leperAcidTorchEvilThe crazed leper grabs the vial you offer and thinking it a poultice applies it all over his body; he dies cursing your name, but you manage to construct a torch using his robe and one of his femurs.
Lame leperAshesClubCleanlinessNot wanting to kill such a miserable wretch you blow the ashes into his eyes; he screams out and clutches his face, at which time he drops his crutch and falls over. You nonchalantly take the crutch to use as a club.
Lame leperBattle AxeTorchBelieving leprosy to be a mark of the devil you quickly kill the leper to stop his heretical ways; from his crutch and tattered robe you then manage to construct a torch.
Lame leperBookSkin flakesGoodOpening up the book to the section on diseases you recite an incantation and the leper’s sores flake off.
Lame leperBow & arrowsTorchEvilPerhaps mistaking the leper for a vicious lemur you shoot him to death; from his crutch and tattered robe you then manage to construct a torch.
Lame leperCanteenmisc.GoodNot used the kindness of strangers the leper thanks you prodigiously and after drinking gives you his sole possession.
Lame leperClubClubEvilAppalled that such a miserable wretch could still be living, your club relieves his tortured body of its spirit.
Lame leperCrowbarClubCleanlinessYour daft use of the weapon makes short work of the leper. The bloodied robe is of no use but the leper’s crutch could work well as a club.
Lame leperCrucifixClubGoodYou piously offer the crucifix to the leper who reverently prays over his leg healing it; in thanks he gives you his crutch which you think will be more useful for clubbing than walking.
Lame leperDaggerCrowbarEvilFearing disease and filth you hurl the dagger at the leper from afar and pick up a crowbar that was lying in the corner.
Lame leperEmeraldsTorchEvilAfter receiving the gift the leper says mockingly, “ooh lovely, gems! Well just what a crippled leper needs!” So you beat him to death for his insolence and make a torch out of his robe and crutch.
Lame leperFinger of St RudigerClubCleanlinessThinking the pious relic will alleviate the leper’s suffering you give him the bone. The leper apparently thinking it a suppository sticks it were the sun don’t shine. Aghast you slay him for such wicked behavior and take his crutch to use as a club.
Lame leperGlass vial (potion)TorchGoodThe liquid in the vial completely heals the lame leper who throws off his robe and leaves behind his crutch; you cleverly combine these items into a torch.
Lame leperHoly mudSkin flakesCleanlinessThe leper thanks you innumerable times for the blessed mud; as he rubs the mud on his body his diseased skin flakes off.
Lame leperHoly swordSkin flakesCleanlinessThe leper takes the blessed sword and carefully slices off each of his sores.
Lame leperHoly waterClubGoodWhen you offer the holy water the leper quickly drinks it and his leg miraculously begins to work; he capers away leaving behind his crutch which you figure would make a fine club.
Lame leperKnightClubEvilWhat the knight lacks in common sense or decency he makes up for in battle prowess; he quickly hacks the lame leper to pieces and, his vow complete, he heads out of the room leaving you with the leper’s hacked up body and crutch which you figure might make a good club.
Lame leperMalletClubCleanlinessYour daft use of the weapon makes short work of the leper. The bloodied robe is of no use but the leper’s crutch could work well as a club.
Lame leperMelrinTorchNeutralMelrin examines the leper before declaring him a lost cause. The leper begins to protest but Melrin quickly changes him into a mouse leaving behind a robe and crutch which he makes into a torch for you before leaving.
Lame leperNuptial agreementTorchEvilBeing an illiterate oaf the leper does not read the scroll you hand him but uses it to rub his sores; enraged at the loss you put him out of your misery and make a torch from his clothing and crutch.
Lame leperPickaxeClubCleanlinessYour daft use of the weapon makes short work of the leper. The bloodied robe is of no use but the leper’s crutch could work well as a club.
Lame leperRock nosemisc.NeutralThe leper takes out a piece of string and ties the rock nose to his face where his own nose once was, and merrily goes on his way.
Lame leperRubiesTorchEvilAfter receiving the gift the leper says mockingly, “ooh lovely, gems! Well just what a crippled leper needs!” So you beat him to death for his insolence and make a torch out of his robe and crutch.
Lame leperSilver globTorchEvilAfter receiving the gift the leper says mockingly, “ooh lovely, a glob of silver! Well just what a crippled leper needs! This will heal me up in no time!” So you beat him to death for his insolence and make a torch out of his robe and crutch.
Lame leperSkin flakesClubCleanlinessNot wanting to kill such a miserable wretch you blow the skin flakes into his eyes; he screams out and clutches his face, at which time he drops his crutch and falls over. You nonchalantly take the crutch to use as a club.
Lame leperSpearTorchAppalled that such a miserable wretch could still be living you hurl spear into him and use his crutch and clothes to fashion a torch.
Lame leperSt. RudigerSkin flakesGoodSt. Rudiger’s potent healing power instantly heals the leper. As you scoop up the skin flakes the former leper brings the saint to town to tell of his great piety.
Lame leperThieves ToolsSkin flakesCleanlinessThe leper uses the assortment of tools in the box to remove his many sores which you then place in a sack.
Lame leperTorchTorchEvilThe leper graciously takes the torch but being lame in one leg falls over while walking away; before you can react his body is engulfed in flames. All that is left are remnants of his robe and his femur which you make into another torch.
